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The 16th Hydrotherapy Course

Hydrotherapy is a kind of gentle and non-intensive exercise, working out in a warm and moisture environment, whih is one of the best exercise for asthma patient.
The hydraulic pressure on the chest wall during aquatic exercise resists the muscles that expand the chest for breathing. Hydrotherapy can strengthens these muscles, allowing them to expand the chest more efficiently, and improve your lung function and breathing capacity.

Hydrotherapy Course (for Adult)
Suitable for respiratory or bronchial diseases and asthma patients.
We encourage patient’s dependents to join the course together, learn the skills and do it by yourself.

Date: 17/1 - 7/2/2015 (Every Saturday, 4 lessons)
Time: Class A        14:30 - 15:15  (Gather at 14:15)
          Class B        15:15 - 16:00  (Gather at 14:55)
Venue: Rehabilitation Building, Kowloon Hospital,147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
Tutor: Physiotherapist
Targe: Patients and their dependents or caregivers
Fee: Members (and dependents) $200   |   Non-Members $400   |   CSSA Recipients $100
[Patient joining with dependents or caregivers enjoy a 15% discount]
Inquiry    : 2895 6502

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